Why Exercise?

Recently published research shows that muscle, especially exercised muscle produces chemical messages which communicate to our brain and other organs stimulating fat-burning, improved blood circulation, good mood, healthier skin and much more! These chemical messages have been named Myokines.

How our muscles communicate with our organs to improve health. See citations below.

Severinsen MCK, Pedersen BK. Muscle-Organ Crosstalk: The Emerging Roles of Myokines. Endocr Rev. 2020 Aug 1;41(4):594–609. doi: 10.1210/endrev/bnaa016. Erratum in: Endocr Rev. 2021 Jan 28;42(1):97-99. PMID: 32393961; PMCID: PMC7288608.http://Severinsen MCK, Pedersen BK. Muscle-Organ Crosstalk: The Emerging Roles of Myokines. Endocr Rev. 2020 Aug 1;41(4):594–609. doi: 10.1210/endrev/bnaa016. Erratum in: Endocr Rev. 2021 Jan 28;42(1):97-99. PMID: 32393961; PMCID: PMC7288608.

Corrigendum to: “Muscle-Organ Crosstalk: The Emerging Roles of Myokines”. Endocr Rev. 2021 Jan 28;42(1):97-99. doi: 10.1210/endrev/bnaa024. Erratum for: Endocr Rev. 2020 Aug 1;41(4): PMID: 33045039; PMCID: PMC7846083.http://Corrigendum to: “Muscle-Organ Crosstalk: The Emerging Roles of Myokines”. Endocr Rev. 2021 Jan 28;42(1):97-99. doi: 10.1210/endrev/bnaa024. Erratum for: Endocr Rev. 2020 Aug 1;41(4): PMID: 33045039; PMCID: PMC7846083.

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